Take Time for Friends

4.1"  x  4.1"   on 16/32 count fabric

Take Time for Friends. Friendship is one of the pillars of happiness in life – our friends enrich and bless us every day. From Jeannette Douglas’ Take Time series.

Build your own kit


Take Time for Friends from the Take Time Series. A wonderful reminder to tend and care for our relationships. As Jeannette says…

The need for friendship is the single thread that we all have running through us. To stitch, laugh, and work on our pieces in someone’s company; there is no crisis too big for stitchers to overcome, as long as you face it together. Treasure your friends and take time for them. I hope that in this small way through this design we can make our friends feel extraordinary.

The sampler contains 11 boxes, done in a palette of over-dyed silks. Many “specialty” stitches are used – there are diagrams and written instructions for all of them, making this design approachable – if you have patience (and Google), your initial skill level with specialty stitches will not be important.

Designed by Jeannette Douglas, © 2010.

Supplies Needed to Stitch “Take Time for Friends”

Stitched on 35ct Park City Blend Linen from R&R Reproductions, which as a limited release. We recommend 32ct Lambswool linen from Wichelt Imports (2 over 2).

Rainbow Gallery Needlepoint Inc Silk Gloriana Threads
Splendor Silk

  • S949
  • S1038
  • S1039
  • S1056
  • S1093
  • S1094
  • 152
  • 242
  • 975

By Jupiter Charm

  • Double Heart AG


12-ply Silk

  • Winter Woods

There are no known corrections to this pattern. If you suspect an error, please contact Jeannette Douglas.