Christmas Tree 2009

7.0"  x  8.6"   on 16/32 count fabric

Waves of red, pink, orange, and all hues in between punctuate the fourth Limited Edition Christmas Tree by Nora Corbett. Flowing strings of beads and dangling ornaments adorn the tree while an elegant, stately urn upholds the yuletide splendor. A color-coordinated dove of peace sits atop the tree to complete the scene.

Build your own kit


Christmas Tree 2009, from the annual Limited Edition Christmas Tree series.

Designed by Nora Corbett, © 2009.

Supplies Needed to Stitch “Christmas Tree 2009”

Stitched on 32 count White Belfast Linen from Zweigart (2 over 2).

Classic Colorworks Mill Hill Kreinik
  • Ruby Slippers
  • Bandana
  • Lobster Claw
  • Cherry Tomato
  • Goldfish
  • 03043
  • 00367
  • 02004
  • 05025 (*3)
  • 16616
  • 13005
  • 13056
#4 Braid

  • 003HL

There are no known corrections to this pattern. If you suspect one, contact Hoffman Distributing Company.