
6.9"  x  9.1"   on 16/32 count fabric

Raven summons her minions – a murder of svelte black crows. Her indigo robes flutter in the night breeze under a gleaming crescent moon. From Nora Corbett’s Bewitching Pixies collection.

Build your own kit


Raven from the Bewitching Pixies Collection. What message does the flock bear? Tidings from a dear, far-away friend, or intelligence on a bitter enemy due for revenge? What new task will she set before them upon their arrival? It is yours to decide as you stitch this lovely mistress of the night.

Designed by Nora Corbett, © 2016.

Supplies Needed to Stitch “Raven”

Stitched on 32 count Milk Chocolate Linen from Wichelt Imports (2 over 2).

DMC Floss Mill Hill
  • 154
  • 156
  • 310 (*2)
  • 333
  • 413
  • 550
  • 743
  • 754
  • 758
  • 951
  • 3078
  • 3746
  • 3770
  • 02056
  • 02085
  • 10019

There are no known corrections to this pattern. If you suspect one, please contact Wichelt Imports.